MuncieArts is always seeking Board Candidates with a wide variety of skill sets and areas of concentration, not limited to the arts. We seek qualified professional members who can help our organization grow, evolve, and succeed.

Board Elections occur annually in December to fill vacant seats for the upcoming year. Letters of interest and resumes can be submitted at any time.

Interested in learning more? Read the Board Requirements below to make sure you are able to serve. Then, contact us to learn more about the process.

Board service is a rewarding way to give back to your community and to support the arts in Muncie.

The Muncie Arts and Culture Council accepts board nominations on a rolling basis. Every year, the Board Nominations Committee will fill the vacant seats on the board with nominees from the pool. Board service is a three-year commitment starting in January of the incoming year.

Send an application:

To make a formal application to the Board of Directors, please submit the following information to a current board member, or to

  • Full name and contact information

  • A cover letter confirming your interest. Please tell us more about why you want to serve with MuncieArts and your experience with the arts, nonprofit work, business, and/or the community.

  • Any applicable letters of reference or reference contact information

  • A resume listing their current affiliation(s) and previous non-profit experience,


Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis, but only nominations received by December 1 will be considered the next calendar year. Nominees will be selected and notified by December 31.

We value your interest and participation in this process!

Applicants not selected for board service at the time of application will be notified of other opportunities to work with MuncieArts, and will be considered again in future years.


Submit all nomination information in a single email to the

Questions? Contact us to learn more about the process.

BOARD SERVICE Requirements

The people elected to serve on the board of directors should have:


  2. Basic knowledge of the organization and willingness to learn all aspects of the operations.

  3. Expertise in areas such as non-profit governance, finance, fundraising, communications & marketing, public relations, leadership, law, and public policy.

  4. Understanding of the mission and vision for MuncieArts and commitment to these and their goals.

  5. Time available to serve the organization. Board service requires a minimum of 5 hours per month (approximate).

  6. Ability to Fundraise. Board members must be able to fundraise for MuncieArts in some manner, whether directly or indirectly, in order to meet the budgetary goals for each year.

Elected Board Members:

  • May serve as many as four, three-year consecutive terms.

  • Attend at least 75% of all board meetings and committee meetings each year, and prepare for these meetings.
    Board meetings occur once per month except in July. Committee meetings occur biweekly, monthly, or bimonthly depending on the committee tasks.

  • ALL board members serve on at least 2 committees. Committees include:

    • Executive Committee: Responsible for leadership. Members serve as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and are elected or re-elected annually.

    • Finance Committee: Responsible for preparing the budget and monitoring financials.

    • Communications Committee: Responsible for developing communication strategies for the organization.

    • Nominations Committee: Responsible for conducting the board nominations process annually.

    • Diversity Committee: Responsible for ensuring that diversity and equity standards are met by the board at all times.

    • Development Committee: Responsible for developing and managing fundraising campaigns.

    • Governance Committee: Responsible for maintaining and editing the board bylaws.

    • Ad Hoc Committees: Committees are developed annually for specific programs, events, or issues.

      Examples include PlySpace Residency Advisory Committee, Mayor’s Arts Awards Committee, That One Film Festival Committee, Public Art Committee. among others.

  • Attend the Annual Member Meeting in January. 

    • This is the annual public meeting for current and interested members. This meeting serves as the annual update.

  • Regularly attends organizational events, including gallery exhibitions and performances, fundraisers, awards, presentations, and special events

  • Willingly accepts leadership roles and responsibilities during their tenure.

    • All board members serve as the committee chair or secretary on at least one committee. Committee chairs manage meetings. Committee Secretaries take unofficial minutes and notes for the committee.

  • Participates in building a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.

  • Is an active participant in annual evaluation and planning efforts.

  • Participates in fundraising goals for the organization and contributes financially each year.

    • All board members must be active members of the organization and participate financially in supporting the organization.

    • Members who cannot make financial contributions to ensure the stability of the organization are expected to give in service and time to support the organization's activities. This can include grant writing services, legal services, volunteer labor, project management, community outreach, design services, or other applicable skills that benefit the organization.

  • Subscribes to and completes the Conflict of Interest Statement annually. 

Questions about board service requirements can be sent to