Artist: Megan Chalfant


Project Title: Tribute to St. Mary’s

Location: Jackson & Celia

Project Statement: For some time in elementary school, I attended St. Mary’s as a student. There is a beautiful piece of artwork in the church which, at seven years old, impressed on me a sense of the amazing beauty and mystery of art and its ability to express the depths of human experience. Looking back, I can see this was a formative momwent in my pth as an artist. My design is a tribute to the beautiful piece that inspried me, drawing from some of the inspiration I found there. It was and experience of being changed by art, and I believe in the transformative nature of the Box! Box! project. Art brings joy, encouragement, and a breath of fresh air, and I love that Muncie wants to bring this to every street corner!

Artist Bio: My hope and vision as an artist and creative is to use my. skills to transform and encourage the world around me. Beauty is such a healing and life-giving treasure, and art brings beauty. Since graduating from BSU with a degree in Drawing and French, I have been seeking out ways to cultivate creative atmospheres that nourish the human person. I spent a year in Juneau, Alaska to dive into the local arts scene there. I saw first-hand how much local artists can build up the beauty in their community. I hope to bring all I learned from my time making and showing art there to my life in Muncie!


Artist: Erin Williams


Artist: Tiffany Ellis