Artist: Alyssa Geary


Project Title: Free Bird

Location: Memorial and Macedonia

Statement: My box is dedicated to my grandfather. My grandfather was a free spirit and in his final days, listened to “Free Bird,” by Lynard Skynard on a regular basis. This is what inspired my project title. I wanted to bring some of my own style into the box. I tend to paint a lot of portraiture. My box is supposed to showcase my personal style as well as keep my grandpa’s spirit alive. The people depicted on my box are hopeful and free spirits. They are enjoying the simple pleasures of life, the way my grandpa taught me to do. I drive by this location everyday and sometimes it seems very desolate. There are abandoned factories and empty buildings. I feel burdened by the broken promises of an area that was once bustling and thriving with industry. I want to add color, hope, and beauty to this street and to my community.

Bio: My name is Alyssa Geary. I am a 23 year old Muncie local and have resided in Muncie for most of my life. I graduated from Ball State University in May 2020 with a degree in art education. I am the current middle school art teacher in Selma Middle School. My great grandparents spent their last days in a house just down the street from S. Macedonia and Memorial Dr. After their passing my grandma and grandpa inherited the house from my great grandparents. I have very fond childhood memories of this location. My grandfather, Allan Tony Bunch, passed away in 2011 after a battle with Leukemia. He taught me how to find pleasure and enjoyment in the simple things in life. He taught me how to find hope in every situation.


Artist: Sarah Shaffer


Available Traffic Box Locations