2021 Mayor's Arts Award Nominee: Classroom Connections of ECI
Why are the arts important in Muncie? What do the arts do for the community?
By providing greater emphasis on the awareness of the arts, especially Pre-K - 12 arts, is really recognizing the fact that one’s environment is an indispensable component in producing creative and productive students and citizens. Building greater awareness of Pre-K - 12 arts benefits student learning in several different and important ways. First, it facilitates student learning by creating an environment that stimulates and encourages active learning. Noted Psychologist Abraham Maslow emphasized this point in his “hierarchy of needs” model. Before an individual can achieve creativity and complex problem solving that is associated with his or her highest level of development, one must satisfy one’s more basic needs. One must feel secure, safe, and have access to tools and resources that foster true learning and create a sense of belonging. A greater awareness of the arts, places emphasis on creating that positive learning environment. More importantly, it helps to create an environment where students actually want to be as they pursue their education. Have you ever tried teaching the appreciation of arts with sub-quality supplies? The rich experience of seeing first-hand the vibrant colors flow from a paint brush do not exist. The subpar paper does not hold the sketching pencil pigments the same way. And not having enough quality paint brushes limits a student’s time to experience the trade and master techniques. Maslow was right. Access to quality art supplies and fine art mentors does change lives. Building greater awareness of the arts allows for more opportunities for students and their teachers to be community leaders by instilling in them a desire to improve and maintain the many environments in which they learn and live through the fine arts. It is important to promote and foster these relationships that revolve around student engagement and the fine arts because these networks often lead to healthier communities. Teachers and students who take an interest in their local arts become integral members of the various communities in which they are members. Awareness of the arts benefits both students and their communities. The result is engaged, productive citizens that can help drive and manage the economic and cultural growth of their local communities.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Located in Muncie, Classroom Connections of ECI is a regional educational resource center for under-resourced Pre-K through 12th grade classrooms. Our nonprofit provides essential classroom supplies to underserved teachers and students so teachers can teach and learners can learn. We donate essential classroom supplies to several thousand teachers and tens of thousands of children annually.
Supporting the Youth Symphony Orchestras of ECI, Summer 2021
Photo of Tiffany Arnold, Executive Director, receiving donations from Classroom Connections of ECI.
Spider Wars
This “epic” art project was supported by Classroom Connections during the pandemic, which allowed students and their art teachers to display their artwork outside with giant lawn spiders (2 feet x 2 feet in size).
Muncie Central High School artwork display at Classroom Connections of ECI, January 2020.
Photo of Carol Daugherty, 2D Art Teacher at MCHS
How did you become interested in the arts?
Since the beginning, Classroom Connections of ECI was founded on the principles of promoting creativity and being a “place of support and inspiration for those who have dedicated their lives to educating children…and aims to create positive change to the education of children in the community”.
What is your favorite arts memory? An amazing event? An experience? A place?
Several year ago, Classroom Connections of ECI hosted a Teacher Gala and we asked classroom students to create original apple artwork celebrating their favorite teacher for the event. We received several thousand apple artworks from local students and we proudly displayed them at the event. The power of children’s art celebrating teachers was inspirational.
Who is your favorite creative inspiration or Arts hero (can be anyone/anything)? Why?
Hands down its Pre-K - 12 grade art teachers. Schools nationwide are experiencing a year with unmatched circumstances. Art teachers and their students are met with a higher level of needs (and stressors) than ever before. Pre-K - 12 grade art teachers have endured, showing us the power and importance of the fine arts to our own emotional health and resiliency.