Episode 9: Chicqiela Elbert-Velazco

Where do you live?

Alexandria, IN and I am a member of the Muncie Artists Guild

I call myself a:

Artist and Retired Art Teacher

What is your creative practice?

Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Lampwork Glass Beads

How did you get started in your practice?

I was inspired by my Art Teacher, Mr. Ray Bullock in the 1st grade to become an art teacher.

Are you an artist full time? If no, what is your day job?

Yes, that is my day job.


How do you find time to make your work?

Difficult, I have to shove all my chores, volunteer agendas for non profits aside.


Once an Art Teacher always an Art Teacher. I taught drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, fibers, jewelry, digital art and photography. I sold my photography equipment years ago. You name it, I probably have it. I have an assortment of supplies, tools, ceramic kiln, a lampwork glass kiln, a lampwork glass toolbox kiln, a 7’ triangle loom,
a 4’ triangle loom, an HD 4 headle floor loom, an intaglio press, several easels, torches and books.


My glass studio and my intaglio printing press. My glass studio is better organized. I have 5 work spaces in different rooms of my house. It definitely frustrates my husband.

What do you wish others knew about your practice?

I started drawing when I was about 2 years old. I was sitting on the floor and Mom showed me how to color in the coloring book with crayons. Boring .... so I decided to draw the guppies in my grandmother’s fish bowl on her wall. I looked into the bowl and drew a cat’s eye view peering into the bowl. I didn’t get into trouble, my Mom was speechless. She decided to give me a piece of paper to draw on instead. My drawing of the guppies remained on the wall for years. I have always loved drawing farm animals and people. These are the subjects I use to express myself in my art. My rural roots are very much a part of my work.

If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?

Making glass beads.

Where do you find your inspiration?

From my life, people and animals.

What’s on your bookshelf or playing in your studio these days?

Art books of all disciplines and Children’s books.

I usually listen to the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Prince, Middle Eastern, Native American flutes, Blues, Garth Brooks and John Anderson.

What other creative practitioners do you look to for inspiration?

Painters: Jamie Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, Rembrandt, Degas, Ingre, Turner, Whistler, Mel McCudden, Ron Wood. Lampwork Glass Artists: Joy Munshower, Elise Strauss, Sharon Peters, Tom and Sage Holland,

What is your favorite part about being an artist in Muncie?

I enjoy being a part of the arts community. I attended Ball State University in 1969 and earned my BS degree in Art Education in 1973 and completed my MS in Art by 1977. Even though my family moved to a farm in Yorktown and my first husband was a farmer and we lived in Gaston, IN and farmed the family farm for years, I lived in Delaware County during those years and was part of the Muncie Arts Community because I attended Ball State University and I found my “people” in the Art Department. I was also an active member of ArtWorks Gallery from the beginning until we closed. Later, I joined the Muncie Artists Guild. Artists need to be around artists to thrive. I enjoy seeing the work of other artists.

What is your favorite place in Muncie?


What is your favorite creative place to go

Art Museums and Art exhibits.

Where can people see your work or learn more about you?

Our Muncie Artists Guild has arranged for several opportunities for members to display their work in several Muncie businesses like banks, restaurants and coffee houses. These opportunities can change. However, we have our Annual Show at Minnetrista, usually in August. I have lampwork glass beads and matted art at Made in Muncie Pottery Shop. I am also a member of Gallery 119 in Pendleton, IN. I post some of my art on Facebook but I do plan to have website soon.


Episode 10: Marta Stephens


Episode 8: James R Thompson