City of Muncie Receives National Endowment for the Arts Grant
The NEA grant will provide for an artist in residence program. By: graphicstock
The National Endowment for the Arts has announced its second round of funding for FY 2017 and the NEA Chairman has approved the City of Muncie for a grant in the amount of $50,000. This grant will support an artist in residence program, where the City of Muncie will partner with the Muncie Arts and Culture Council to provide visiting artists with a temporary residence and gallery exhibition space, as well as facilitate access to studio space and fabrication equipment.
“The City of Muncie is honored to receive this Our Town Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and to further its mission of partnering with the Muncie Arts and Culture Council. We are encouraged by the progress of the Muncie Maker’s movement, and we look forward to these creative placemaking efforts and how it will change the landscape of our community.” —Mayor Dennis Tyler
“We appreciate this partnership with the City of Muncie that recognizes the value of visiting artists in enhancing the local arts culture. We also value our collaboration with Sustainable Muncie and the Ball State University School of Art.” —Betty Brewer; President, Board of Directors, Muncie Arts and Culture Council.
As part of their residency, visiting artists will be provided residency, studio spaces and a gallery exhibition area. They will also be paired with a local organization to collaborate on a public artwork or project that addresses a community issue.
“Most communities have embraced the idea that the Arts are necessary for Quality of Life and creative placemaking. Our goal with the artist residency program, is to bring that charge to life by expanding connections between the community, the university, neighborhoods and nonprofit organizations.” —Sherri Contos; Executive Director, Muncie Arts and Culture Council
Additional collaborators on this project include Marilyn K. Glick Center for Glass, and Minnetrista.
“The School of Art is excited to partner with MACC and the City of Muncie in this strategic initiative. The opportunity to build artist residencies, studio spaces and an exhibition space for visiting artists provides an important connection between Ball State University and the rich artistic heritage of Muncie and its talented citizens.” —Arne Flaten, Director, School of Art, Ball State University
The two-year project is expected to begin in August 2017.
Muncie Arts and Culture council seeks to create, educate, advocate, nurture, and inspire integration of the arts via civic initiatives and through engagement with individual artists and arts organizations.