Artist: Heather Ogle

Project Title: Meditative Muncie
Location: Washington and Walnut
Statement: I feel that art can be meditative, so my art isn't always "scenes". My art is typically mandala-style with interesting little details. I love creating and love to offer it for others to enjoy as often as I can! I usually don't plan what will come of my art when I start, I just ... start, and then the rest of the design takes shape!
I would love to offer a reflective/meditative art installation to Muncie streets and community! My art is a hand-drawn with black paint marker over a bright cheery-colored background! It is eye-catching with bold line design, that I hope would encourage folks to see the overall design and then notice the intricacies within. Much like Muncie--when you dig in to the community and look deeper than surface level, you find intricate beauty, culture, and wonderful diversity!
Bio: Hello! My name is Heather Ogle, and I have loved art and exercising creativity since birth! I have created many works of art around my home, and I offer some of my adult coloring pages for free in my Etsy shop.