Artist: Judy Kreiger

Project Title: In The Meadow
Location: Jackson and Nichols
Statement: Nature is a source of inspiration for me. Nearly the first half of my life was spent on the family farm. While there, I spent time driving tractor, usually working the ground in preparation for planting. Many hours were spent driving back and forth from one end of the field to the other. It was hard not to be bored. But the work had to be done and the way I entertained myself was to look at the trees, weeds, other plants and sun rising in the sky. This experience with nature has its way into my artwork.
Bio: Judy Kreiger is a graduate of Ball State University's School of Art. She earned her BFA, Metalsmithing in 2001. In 2014 she earned her MA Visual Studio Art with an emphasis on metals. She presently works for the College of Architecture and Planning at Ball State University, holding the position of Digital Fabrication Technician.