Artist: Kenzie Mauro


Project Title: Soul Full of Sunshine

Location: 29th and Macedonia

Statement: I created this in hopes to show we are part of a community. I wanted the sunflowers to represent the light and the creatures to represent the people. The darkening sunset represents the city of Muncie. I want to portray that people can be the light even in dark times.

Bio: My name is Kenzie and I am 26 years old. I have three beautiful children and an amazing husband. I love my family and I have loved doing this for them. I think it is truly amazing to tell my kids that I helped make Muncie a more creative place. My family is so proud to see my artwork on the street. All throughout my high school career I took art classes. It has been a passion of mine and I haven’t been able to do much with my abilities, other than post them on social media. To do this has been an awesome accomplishment and I am so grateful to have been chosen.


Artist: Kelsey Gordon


Artist: Lily Johnson