Artist: Emma Balle

Title: In the Garden
Location: 18th and Macedonia Avenue
Project Statement:
The main centerpiece of my box is the cat. It is jumping with curiosity towards the rainbow feather. And if you take time to notice the little details like the birds and the flowers you’ll see the true beauty of it. Just like the cat is seeing with the feather. Then how I came up with my title for my box was finding inspiration around me in my home’s garden and flowerbeds. The birds and flowers I chose are some of my favorites to see and watch. My absolute favorite is when the cone flowers have seeds and attract so many of the goldfinches.
Artist Bio:
I am a 14 year old freshman at Yorktown High School. I have always had a love for birds since I was very young. I haven't always been great at art, but I remember I started art as a hobby about 3-4 years ago.This was because wished I was good at art, and after putting in the effort I got the result I wanted.